Nightly Reflections – Saturday, February 27th, 2021

Let me begin tonight’s Reflection with one simple question. What the hell was I thinking?!

Hi. Happy Saturday. What an incredibly nice day until the sun disappeared, but it was still nice. No avoiding the topic of spring today. Felt good each time I went outside. It was a good day to cut up an apple and toss to the base of the tree. However, and I did this around ten this morning, the apple pieces still sit out there. I haven’t seen one squirrel today. Unless they’re all out of town on spring break, I don’t know what the heck is going on. And if we get those several inches of snow tonight, then they’ll be buried for the knuckleheads. Best laid plans of mice and men…

Perhaps I should just jump into the fray of the topic I began with today. What the hell was I thinking?! What the hell was I thinking when I decided going to the MOA was a good idea? I don’t remember the last time I was there. And today’s visit was not pleasant. Trust me.

So, you know I’ve been contemplating the Apple Watch. I’ve been contemplating it for years. They continue to improve it and I continue to consider buying it. I have done the same with the Fitbit. And why did I never buy either? The watch band. It had nothing to do with styles. It had everything to do with fit. Here’s a fair and simple question. Why the hell can’t these folks make a watch band for all size wrists? It’s ridiculous. I just simply don’t understand. Wouldn’t you think they’d make a Fitbit, for example for people who want to acquire a smaller wrist eventually? Its frustrating for multiple reasons. And yet, what did I do today? If you look at the pic for the night, you’ll see a familiar white box. My past tells me a white box implies an Apple product. It’s how my iPad came, how my laptop came, how my iPhones arrive…so, sure. Even though growing up, if we ever got a watch for a present, the container was normally thicker and cube-like. But Apple has to make it a little different. Lower and longer. And I’m sure you’ve noticed…the box isn’t opened. Nope. Once it’s opened, the game changes. And I wasn’t going to open it until I at least had a lead on a watch band. And who was going to be the most apt to supply me with a band? I figured the MOA. I recall using the kiosks in the past to pick up a longer band. So, I figured I’d take the box with me, find a kiosk who had a longer band, and then he could also put it on the face of the watch for me. What a STUPID FRIGGIN’ IDEA ON A SATURDAY! EVEN DURING COVID!

Dudes! Parking was where the frustration began. Everyone walking around everywhere. Cars all over the place. It was like Covid wasn’t happening at the MOA today. Everyone was masked, for sure, but holy crap. It’s the first place since March of last year where there were gobs of people everywhere. Unbelievable. I thought maybe I was at a Republican rally for some nob. I knew I had my work cut out for me. There was a kiosk that had phone covers. I was looking at it like maybe I’d find watch bands, and the guy in charge of the kiosk asked if I needed help. I told him what I was in the hunt for. He actually had some, but then when I told him it was an Apple Watch, he said no. His bands didn’t fit the Apple Watch. And that was the message I received all throughout the first floor. I stopped in at SWATCH. I stopped in at a jewelry place. I stopped at Fossil, but nope once again. Add on the fact that I’d get so far before my back began to play out. And they’ve removed a ton of their furniture thanks to the Covid life. Slow walkers. Tons of people. I was fit to scream. Also add the fact I was discovering a need for a bathroom. Well, I made it all the way around to the L.L Bean, the store where I entered. As soon as I got out of the place, I ripped my mask off and leaned on the building to just give my lower back a reprieve before heading to the car. It simply wasn’t a fun experience. It could have been less miserable had it been a weekday, I’m certain.

On the way home, I thought a chai tea latte was in order for my frustration. Once in the car, I had no more bathroom need. Go figure. SO, I headed to the Burnsville Starbucks and while in line, I called Apple Support. My main reason was to gripe to them about their two options for a wrist band size and to ask them if they had a suggestion where I might look for a longer band. Otherwise, this product was going to have to go back. Unopened. If I open, I won’t get all my money back. The woman with whom I spoke was most courteous. I have to say that I have never had bad experiences with Apple Support. They do that quite well. But why can’t the produce a third friggin’ wrist band length!? Well, I got home with her still on the phone. She told me to take some string, wrap it around my wrist, tie it and then cut it. Then I was to take my iPhone and use the measuring device to see how long a band I’d need. So I did. No help, or at least not then. I hung up after thanking her and then had my chai tea and watched some TV. However, I grabbed a watch I have that fits, but it’s tight. And I thought I’d measure that from end to end. I’ll admit that the string thing was difficult with my hands in the shape they’re in. When I returned to see if I really did that accurately, there was more slack and the measurement I gave the woman could have been a little shorter. So, long story short (ha!) I now know the size I need and I’m going to do some hunting online. However, if I don’t come up with an answer, then this watch returns to Target on Monday. And I’ll be sad. And a little P.O’d. Ugh.

It’s already after 6, so I’m going to put on the pizza and get ready for another Saturday night. SNL at 10:30. I’ll watch a movie leading up to that and probably something else to boot. I checked my steps when I got back to the car in the parking lot of the MOA. LOL…what a change from daily life. When the weather gets nice, I hope to return to the zoo and take advantage of their benches. I hope they open the zoo more and do away with reservations. It just seems like a hassle otherwise. In any case, hoping you had a great day. Tomorrow will still be ok, regardless for the morning snow. The week is all 40s. Ya gotta love that! Enjoy the remainder of your weekend and see you Sunday night. Maybe by then, I’ll have found a band and have ordered it! Wish me luck.

Inspirational Quote of the Night: “Scared is what you’re feeling. Brave is what you’re doing.” – Emma Donoghue, author


Nightly Reflections – Friday, February 26th, 2021

And another week has come and gone. And in two more nights, the second month of 2021 is history. With today’s weather and the forecast ahead, ya gotta be excited for spring to get here in short order!

Well, how was your day? I continue to watch the snow melt from the patio, day after day. Sounds like it’s going to be covered a bit in 48 hours, but that’s ok. Next week’s temps will take care of any new snow in the blink of an eye. My poor vandalized snowman, as of today, is nearing the ground. The spikes that have held him solidly in the ground must be loosening from the thawing ground. I still get angry and sad when I see that poor little fella out there. Once I have a clear path to the vandalized decor item, I will discover if there’s any chance of bringing him to life next season or if he’s simply had his time and toss him in a Sunday night garbage container. Sigh.

I had a good day. One unexpected surprise. One obsessive trip thwarted by that surprise visit. One wonderful lunch at my favorite spot with my good buddy of many years. Before it all started, it was all about the morning routine holding firmly. I know for many of you, the shot is elusive and you’re waiting your turn. However, I have to say that when I look on the Facebook page, Minneapolis Vaccine Hunters, it’s so wonderful to see how many people are helping other people with answers to questions and insight into the experience. And then seeing person after person, usually the older folks, smiling and sharing the news they just received their first shot or they’re on their way to receive it or they just got their appointment to receive it. Have you ever seen anyone get excited to get a flu shot? A shingles shot? This is so cool to see people happy about this shot. It’s very telling about where people have been and what hope this one little vaccination represents. I know the feeling well. I hope you all get to experience it sooner than later.

As I told you, today’s lunch was at The Italian Pie Shoppe. My normal waitress was there as she’s been there since 1986 and maybe before that. She always seems genuinely glad to see me when I return. Today, while I waited for my friend, we talked vaccinations. She’s hoping to get hers soon. She’s a very nice lady and it’s always a treat to see her as well. Today, as she’s done in the past at times, she comped us our beverages. I appreciate that gesture. It scored her even a nicer tip 🙂 And the meal, as you would assume, was marvelous 🙂 Had been a while since I’d been there. I was definitely in the mood. Got to catch up with my buddy too. Talked about his parents and how they’re going to be vaccinated shortly. And his sister and her husband were vaccinated today. All sorts of good news.

When I left, I was off to Barnes and Noble. I thought I’d check out any new books and then one last time, hope that Street and Smith’s baseball forecast was on the stands. But, it wasn’t. I’m done. No more holding out hope. I did, however, find a new forecast magazine. It’s called Baseball Digest. I’ve never seen it before. SO, it’s taking the place of my normal third forecast magazine. Now I can sleep 🙂 I also learned something at lunch today I won’t share at the moment because I may or may not take advantage of the news, but if I do, you’ll be one of the first to hear of it!

From there, I ran to CVS. I have been meaning to run there to get Aleve. I keep being told to get some for my arthritis. I will try it tonight. My hands are in tough shape. Typing is about as much fun as juggling glass shards. My left hand, with the trigger thumb, is certainly going to be heading into surgery. When I see my doc on the 10th, I can’t imagine he’ll tell me anything less. That is, if I want it to be returned to normal or something similar. I continue to baste my hands and little finger in all sorts of stuff. Ugh. I told my buddy at lunch, who is probably pushing 48, that there is a price for being allowed to grow old. It does NOT come without a price. At least for most of us. Fun City.

In any case, I came home after CVS, And I chose to chill for a while and drink some coffee. Watched some Dick Van Dyke and then a pleasant surprise occurred. My spontaneous buddy asked if I’d be around as he was leaving school and had some time to finally reconnect. Of course I had time, I told him! He popped on over and didn’t have a ton of time, but shared with me the craziness that’s going on in the school as they reopened this week. His job sounds impossible. The job of the teachers sounds impossible. There’s so much more I have to say on this matter, and perhaps I will at some point, but know that everyone inside RHS and every other school in this country is trying to do the best they can with the situation that exists. Hopefully, it will improve over time to where the stress of the virus dissipates thanks to vaccinations for all. I know I’m glad not to be in the mix, however. It might have broken me.

As I told you, I’d be sharing the picture of the four cast iron cookware items that I received for free at the casino each week in February. Here they are in tonight’s pic. You’ll need to zoom in on each one to see the specific piece of cookware it is. Will I use them? Good question. I think my sister would love them and use them more than I would. If they continue to camp, I can see where they would come in very handy. We shall see. If she sees this pic, I’ll be hearing from her pronto, you can bet on that.

Tonight I’ll have just a sandwich and chips after my big lunch of Italian Fries. Then some Blacklist and after that, it’s anyone’s guess. I spent all day obsessing about an Apple 6 Watch. I was damn near ready to get one when my friend wanted to pop over. Was that a sign from above to NOT buy the watch? And if it was, do you think I’ll buckle to such a sign? LOL… When I begin to obsess about something like this, it’s only a matter of time. I am so very weak in these situations. 😛

I hope you had a good day and that Saturday is good to you. I will likely jump in the car again and take a little excursion with open window. Beyond that, unless I make a trip to the MOA to check on watch bands for “thicker” wrists so I know I can buy an Apple Watch and wear it right away, I don’t really have a plan. I am working on the beginning of a project so I could do that. It’s all about writing and we know how that feels right now with my hands. NO telling what tomorrow will bring, I guess. In the meantime, let’s go to the quote of the night.

Inspirational Quote of the Night: “There are many kinds of joy, but they all lead to one: the joy to be loved.” – Michael Ende, author


“It’s Anybody’s Guess” – Thursday, February 25th, 2021

Well, I have no idea how long this will go tonight, but I have something that I love thinking about at times. And I think many of you will identify with my topic this week if you’re old enough. Tonight, I thought I’d explore the topic of the “television.” Let’s do this!

Here’s a question for you. Does coming together as a family to watch something on television weekly exist anymore? My guess is it doesn’t. Yet, it was a major portion of my early years in living life. It’s what we did and I know other families did it too. And it usually happened on Saturday and Sunday nights. I have fond memories of gathering in the living room to be together while watching this show or that show.

Probably the most popular show we all did this with was The Ed Sullivan Show. It was a variety show where we met many celebrities who were only beginning their journey into stardom. The biggest act, of course, was the night The Beatles appeared for the first time on this show. The date was February 9th, 1964. I was 9 years old. It was maybe the biggest night for television since it had been invented. This show brought families together week after week. Ed was merely the figure head for his show. He never performed. He was a dry individual with a distinctive style of speech that many would impersonate in the years ahead. But he helped these folks to become famous over time: Elvis Presley, The Jackson Five, The Muppets. My favorite guest was Topo Gigio, a mechanical mouse that was about a foot tall. He was an Italian mouse 🙂 His first show had Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis and Rodgers and Hammerstein for starters. Eventually, others made their TV debut on his show, including Bob Hope, Lena Horne, Fred Astaire and the list goes on. Everyone loved this variety show each and every week.

Sunday nights also meant Disney’s Wonderful World of Color. If I remember correctly, this show aired right before Sullivan. It was also a family gathering motivator. On Saturday nights, it was all about The Hollywood Palace (from ’62-’70), The Jackie Gleason Show (’52-’70), Gunsmoke (’55-’75), The Dick Van Dyke Show (’61-’66), and Twilight Show (’59-’64) to name a few I recall. I remember watching Lassie with Mom, at the very least. Too much television watching? Perhaps, but what else was there to do? And if it brought families together, who can criticize it?

When I think about how much today’s generation of kids have NO idea how lucky they are with the televisions they make today. They will never know about the TV antenna on top of the house. They will never know about the box that sat on top of the TV to adjust the antenna on the roof so the picture would come in clearer. I remember Dad would have to often go up on the roof if we had a major wind storm. He’d have to reset the antenna. Today’s generation will never now about horizontal hold. God, how that was a pain so often. You had to lean in the back of the set while having someone in front of the set direct you to whether or not the horizontal bars had disappeared. When color entered the picture, you had to balance all the right colors and brightness and contrast. It was an undertaking! Today, you turn on the set and you never have to mess with any of the settings because the TV is set for the maximum image for the viewer.

I remember so vividly the night we got our first color set. I’ve said it here before. Bewitched was the first show I watched in color. I couldn’t believe we had a color TV in the house! I thought for sure we were now rich! Mom set me straight soon enough on that mistaken belief. I never really believed her, though. We had to be rich. We had color TV! And I couldn’t wait until Saturday morning cartoons because they’d now look similar to those cartoons I’d see before major motion pictures downtown at the theater. The Brooks’ were cooking with gas now!

My oldest brother bought a portable TV for himself in his bedroom. I was SOOOOO jealous. He had been making money in a job and this was how he chose to spend it. I thought the very shape of the little portable (probably a 9-inch screen) was super duper awesome. I made it my goal to buy one for me some day. And Mom, at least for me, taught me how to save money and what benefits that would have. She rarely ever said “No” to me wanting to spend money. She always, however, reminded me “Don’t forget, you’re spending your money. You may not want to spend it all and have nothing for something that would come up later.” I was the grasshopper and Mom was the Queen Ant apparently. I remember going to Kamrath’s downtown. They were basically an electronics store. The most popular in town. I looked at all the options. It’s where I bought my first cassette tape player. The TV in tonight’s pic is close to the one I ended up buying. I remember it was a Panasonic. That brand was especially popular. They were sort of the Sony of the day. Anything I bought from Kamrath’s had to be Panasonic. Once I got that into my bedroom, I couldn’t be more excited. Mom wasn’t thrilled about stopping in each night to turn off my TV. Especially considering she’d have to come upstairs since my parents’ bedroom was on the first floor of the house. Oops.

I also remember when we upgraded our television to a nicer one in a wonderful wooden structure. Televisions became pieces of furniture in the living room. There were console sets that came with a radio and a reel-to-reel tape set. All sorts of options. We just had the TV but it was in an attractive wooden frame. The tops of TVs were used for plants or knick-knacks and that’s usually where the TV Guide could be found. Remote controls came later. If you wanted to change the channel or turn the volume up or down, you got up and went to the TV to do what you needed to do. Tough life back then 🙂 We did have the radio and tape player in the same room but it was its own piece of furniture. The reel-to-reel tape player…there’s a topic for another night, but how I loved that concept too.

Yup. I have so many fond memories of how the TV played a role in my life from early on. Now, it’s all about just getting the biggest screen or the one with the crispest picture. You can’t put anything on top of these TVs today. We’ve come a long way. I love my TV today, but the emotions that are stirred when I think back to the 60s and early 70s are simply joyful. I get a warm feeling revisiting those memories.

And so I thought you might too. Feel free to leave a comment if this piece sparked a memory for you. I’d love to read it. I have a feeling there’s lots of you who have a personal connection with this topic. We’ll meet back in twenty four hours and celebrate another end to the week 🙂 I can tell you about my Thursday and how lunch at Italian Pie Shoppe was on Friday 🙂 Yahoo!

Inspirational Quote of the Night: “I have always thirsted for knowledge, I have always been full of questions.” – Hermann Hesse, author


Nightly Reflections – Wednesday, February 24th, 2021

I am grateful for the craziness that occurred this morning for a while. It gave me something to write about tonight 🙂

Good evening. How about today’s weather, eh? Little by little, spring is coming 🙂 And because our lives are what they are thanks to Covid, I would assume all of us will rush that seasons arrival any which way we can. No jackets, or patio furniture or windows open or whatever. We’re all itching at fresh air at the very least while the impact of Covid continues to lessen. In the meantime, at least enjoy it some way. I was out in it early today.

Yesterday afternoon, I was standing outside my garage talking with my neighbor and his dog, Sammy, about the vaccination and how he hadn’t been able to nail down a spot yet. At one point, my neighbor said “I smell gas.” And he walked over to the meter on the side of the garage and that seemed to be where the smell was emanating. There are actually two meters there…mine and my other neighbor’s. I couldn’t smell it from my driveway, but as I approached it, I could smell it. He suggested I call Centerpoint and tell them there may be a problem.

After I went in the house, I totally forgot about it until this morning. When I did think about it, I immediately called Centerpoint and shared the issue. They said they’d send someone out within 5 minutes to 45 minutes. I was actually ready to shower and start my day, but now I didn’t dare shower because the Energy guy was going to need to get into the house at some point. So, I bided my time. And I did so by checking on more appointments for my neighbor and also a former student who had written this morning regarding something I wrote last night. He shared with me his mother had yet to get her shot but was trying. So I was actually on the lookout for two people. I know the frustration. And there’s so much of it out there with people totally confused about how to make the shot a reality.

Well, I refreshed the HyVee site where they post any possible appointments. When I did, the craziness intensified. There it was, Eagan’s HyVee, with a lot of appointments ALL week. I immediately told my neighbor and my former student for his mom. I quickly texted both and told them to move NOW! In the meantime, the Centerpoint guy shows up. Pounds on my door. I go out to meet him and chat with him briefly about the gas smell. He says he’ll be coming in after he checks the meters. I return to the house only to hear texts arriving. My neighbor was struggling. He was stuck on the part I was stuck on yesterday. Downloading the insurance card. I told him to run over and I’d help him. So, he did. In case you have no idea…this is a race against the clock. They tell you you have 5-10 minutes to finish the application for the time you’ve chosen. My first attempt yesterday timed out. So did his. After he came over, I shot a picture of the front and back of his card, emailed it to him and he returned to finish the application, but I knew he’d be out of luck. He called, and I said try again! I refreshed to see how many were left. And the answer? NONE! They went as quickly as you can imagine. Unbelievable. Right after he left, the guy came knocking at the door again to see my water heater. There was other stuff happening during this time, and it was just absolute craziness. I told my neighbor that he now had the stuff to fill out the application should they post more and that I’d watch for him as well. I told him if I text HYVEE, get on that computer FAST! I sent another email to my former student, wishing his mom well that she get an appointment out of all this. I know how frustrating it all is and if I can help eliminate two people’s stress, I will. The gas guy said there WAS a slight leak and he repaired it. I’ve smelled a gassy smell in my garage at night at times. I haven’t for some time, but I was always concerned it was my grill and propane tank, but when I’d check, I could see nothing wrong. Now I know it was coming in from the outside wall where the meter is. That problem is solved now. I managed to shower and head out for grocery shopping, my favorite thing to do. NOT.

Guess what good thing happened this afternoon! I had a delivery made to my driveway! Yay! So, one of the folks who reads me each night offered to have her granddaughter sell me some Girl Scout cookies if I was looking for any. I had written about wanting the Thank Yous or the All About. She picked up on that and offered to make it simple for me. I taught her kids once upon a time years ago. So I took her up on the offer. Though, I really hadn’t planned for ANYONE to know how many cookies I usually order this time of year. Oh well. I reached out to her a few days ago and said I was ready to order my cookie. She told me the two I mentioned above are not around in this area. Of course. So, I began to look at the offerings. I used to enjoy the Thin Mints, but they’re really kind of boring now. However, the S’Mores sure looked good. Chocolate covered graham cracker with a marshmallow creamy center. Dunk them in a glass of milk and you have yourself a fine dessert 🙂 You have to chew a little on the end so the milk can penetrate the cookie. You leave the cookie under milk for a bit before lifting it out and putting it in the mouth. Then the cookie sort of falls apart. So awesome! That’s my good story for today 🙂 No, you’re not going to find out how many I ordered.

In case you’re wondering, I have felt no different since receiving the first shot yesterday morning than I did before receiving it. So, I think it’s safe to say after this first injection, no side-effects. It’s funny. You hear all sorts of stories in situations like this. I was told to “watch out” and “be prepared” for a miserable reaction to the second shingles shot last November. However, I felt nothing after it. I’ve never reacted to a flu shot either. I’m not bragging. Just telling it like it is. I am sure many have had less good news post-injections, but for me, I’ve been fortunate. All I have to do is be able to tell you on March 18th that I survived the second shot in similar fashion. The clock is ticking 🙂

Dinner tonight is last night’s second half of the lasagna, and a couple of breadsticks. EZ PZ. Nothing is on network TV tonight, so not sure what I’ll watch. I’m about to finish the book I’ve been reading. I have to admit it’s been a disappointment. I want someone else to have read this so I can see what they thought. That’s where having Goodreads is nice because it’s simply readers from all around the world who share their thoughts after having finished a book. I may also throw this book to a couple of friends and they can tell me what they thought. It was on many Ten Best lists last year. So, what do I know, eh? In any case, this one is over. Go eat or go relax or get to work if you’re reading this as part of your morning routine. My casino buddy and I are heading to the Island tomorrow. I’ll have my fourth piece of cast iron kitchen ware. Then Friday night, I’ll put them together, shoot a pic of them, and share them with you. And March brings four new items to the table of opportunity 🙂 And Friday also brings lunch with a former student at…wait for it…the Italian Pie Shoppe! Yay! It’s been too long! See you tomorrow night for “It’s Anybody’s Guess.” No idea what I’ll be doing at this point. Yikes!

Inspirational Quote of the Night: “There are always surprises. Life may be inveterately grim and the surprises disproportionately unpleasant, but it would be hardly worth living if there were no exceptions, no sunny days, no acts of random kindness.” – T.C. Boyle, author


Nightly Reflections – Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021

A new day has dawned! I am vaccinated, round one! Read on 🙂

Happy Tuesday. I’ll start by making the observation about how tragic the news was this afternoon when we learned of Tiger Woods’ accident. Listening to the press conference by the law enforcement, we learned that the road he was traveling was notorious for accidents. We know he was traveling at a high rate of speed. And that’s all we know. I hope when the news comes, it’s not chemical-related, or at least self-induced chemicals. He doesn’t need one more thing in his legacy that besmirches his achievements on the golf course. I’m not a fan nor do I dislike him. I just am not a golfing person. I recognize his achievements, and that’s why I hope this is not going to be news we don’t want to hear regarding the cause, beyond speed.

How was your day? I got up this morning, pretty amped for my vaccination. Still marveling at how I wouldn’t have to travel three hours to get it. Once ten o’clock rolled around, I headed to the garage and then to Pilot Knob. I drove into the HyVee parking lot closest to the pharmacy. I was 15 or so minutes early. Since I didn’t know what I’d find when I arrived, I thought it best to be safe versus sorry. They say if you miss your time, you begin the process all over. That didn’t appeal to me.

I walked in and there was a handful of people hanging out at the pharmacy counter or in chairs. I stood in line behind an elderly woman trying to fill out a form. She was shaking. I immediately felt a need to help but I simply kept my distance. She approached the counter and spoke with someone who helped her with a great deal of kindness. I felt better. I gotta tell ya…this place was overwhelmed. I heard one of the pharmacists (when I arrived there were only two dealing with the public) tell what I assume was an individual with authority that they needed help. That they were behind in filling prescriptions. They had over 100 prescriptions that needed filling. The phone was ringing non-stop. People were arriving for their appointments, me being one. What really didn’t help is the fact the system went down yesterday afternoon so everyone who had gone through the process was wondering why they hadn’t received a confirmation email. They were doing the best they could considering the situation. When it was my turn to approach the counter, a worker took my information, found my reservation and handed me a bunch of paperwork that they wanted me to have. They then sent me to a chair to wait and be called. The chairs were divided by a transparent sheet of glass or whatever it was. And who was my neighbor to my right? The elderly woman 🙂

The wait time wasn’t bad. I think there were four or five in front of me. When it was my time, I got called and was directed to sit in a different chair to await my name for my shot. Well, here is where it got a little more interesting. There was an older couple to my left, the man being the one who had just had his shot and now he was in recovery mode. Fifteen minutes is what they suggest. The lady and I got to talking when I mentioned I was a teacher once upon a time. She started asking questions and lo and behold…they were parents of two young ladies I taught in the late 80s and early 90s. Small world stuff. We had a pleasant conversation until I was called in for my injection. The woman in her pink hair was an absolute delight. Young and personable. I said to her that she had to have the best job in the world…giving people an injection that was ultimately going to change their lives and lifestyle. She responded with “I love this job. It’s so great to see so many people getting shots, listening to the science and the facts, listening to leadership who is leading…” You get the picture. I was outta there tempus fugit! Then it was my turn to “recover” in the recovery area. The couple I had been talking to were preparing to leave. We said our goodbyes and I told them to be sure to say hi to the girls. It was a pleasant experience, frankly.

Upon leaving, I called Thrifty White Pharmacy in Morris and I cancelled the appointment for tomorrow. I wasn’t going to dare fate and cancel until I had that vaccine in my body. But now it’s there. And knowing I’m three weeks from receiving the second dose on St. Patrick’s Day…well, my psyche is pretty damn happy tonight. I hope all my friends can know this state of mind sooner than later. Again, if people are still looking, going the Facebook group “Minneapolis Vaccine Hunters.” It’s pretty damn amazing, and all it is is people like you and me. It’s not a state thing at all. It’s like one big support group. You have to see it to understand. But I applaud the creator of the site and all the people who are helping others find location and get clarification on topics related to the vaccine.

That’s about all I have to share with you tonight. I am about to go slip a Simeks lasagna product into the oven for my dinner. These are so good and when they’re on sale at Cub, I always buy one and place it in the freezer for a tasty and easy dinner. It provides lunch the next day as well 🙂 Tomorrow is humpday once again. You ready? 😛

Inspirational Quote of the Night: “Truly happy memories always live on, shining. Over time, one by one, they all come back to life.” – Banana Yoshimoto, author


Nightly Reflections – Monday, February 22nd, 2021

Good evening class. Allow me to correct myself from the start tonight. I did NOT know the plan had changed for seniors at RHS. It seems they reported today along with the underclassmen. So, school happened for the students and the staff today. Again, I am glad I’m retired today more than ever. I don’t think I could I could have lasted in this situation. Plus, it would have killed me not to be staging pep fests or student council events or anything else I did beyond the classroom. I hope it was a good day for all involved.

What a nice day it was. I went out at 12:30 to run an errand and I was pleasantly surprised as I walked to the end of the driveway to pull back the garbage container…it was so very mild. It was almost patio mild 🙂 And the sunshine came along to match it eventually. I liked this day 🙂 After all, this was our final Monday in February. Hard to believe. We just started this month, didn’t we?

I ran out for lunch today. Only to run in, order, pay and bring it home. I was in the mood for some Panda Express 🙂 And then I brought it home and The Mary Tyler Moore Show was only the better for having a fun lunch while watching it. That was the prelude to another writing group Zoom session with my fellow writers. Just before that Zoom, however, I received a call from my former boss/now Senator. He was calling to inquire as to whether or not I’d be up for doing another Town Hall moderating gig. Only difference this time? You guessed it. Zoom-style. But, before we could really get into the specifics of it, aside from it being next week, something unexpected happened.

He had shared with me he had a meeting to go to shortly when I received a text from a friend who is aware I have a 3-hour drive coming up Wednesday. She was informing me of the new appointment dump at the HyVee stores. Because the senator had shared with me that his wife had been vaccinated but he hadn’t been able to yet, I told him to hang up and get on the HyVee sites. So he did and I also went there, thinking if I could get an appointment closer, then I’d cancel the Morris one and have them open it to another. Well, I did. And, when I did, Lakeville AND Savage were posting appointments. Lakeville is just down the road. SO, I tried. The first attempt was a surprise. I was being directed to include a download of my Medicare card. I didn’t have to do that before with the Morris appointment. I became a tad suspicious, but my Medicare card doesn’t have anything on it that would be risky, so I 1.) grabbed my billfold, 2) shot a picture of front and back of the card, 3.) Mailed it to myself. 4.) Transferred the pics onto my laptop. 5.) finished the application. My message? The appointment had been taken cuz it took me so damn long with that card! Well, I tried it again. The second time I was quicker because I knew what was coming. And, supposedly, it worked. I supposedly have an appointment for both shots. But…

I didn’t have the wherewithal to write anything down and lost the page where the information was stored. I have no idea now whether the appointment is tomorrow or Wednesday. Well, I didn’t want to waste a space, either way, so I called the pharmacy folks in Lakeville’s HyVee. Apparently, the system has been overwhelmed since they posted the appointments. They’re convinced that the system will catch up with everything and I’ll get an confirmation email soon. However, the pharmacist I spoke with said she’d take my information and they’d call the people once they had the information. Even they couldn’t access the info regarding the appointments and who signed up. I was not the only person calling in, apparently. Moral of story? If I don’t hear from them, there’s nothing more I can do and I simply follow through with the Morris appointment on Wednesday. Stay tuned. I admit driving two miles would be more attractive than driving three hours. But I’m ready for either. 😛

Ten days ago an old high school friend plugged my name into her text. One of those texts where it’s a challenge. Similar to the popular “dump ice water over yourself” challenge. This one was “I was nominated by: _______ to share 10 pictures for 10 days that bring me joy (no explanation) and to nominate someone new each day. Today I nominate…” Today was my tenth day. It was kinda fun, actually. The worst part was remembering to post each day for ten days, but today it came to an end 🙂 YAY! Sadly, only three of the ten people I nominated actually followed through, but I can’t control that. I felt compelled to play the game. This was an easy one. The previous one where we posted album covers was similar in challenge. So, it’s done and it was fun.

I’m done here. Time to contemplate dinner. Then it’s another 9-1-1 night, both editions and The Good Doctor at 9. And then the normal MSNBC and Perry and Newhart. 🙂 Hoping your Monday was peachy keen. Maybe tomorrow night I’ll be able to show you the arm that took the shot. Otherwise, we wait til Wednesday night 🙂 However, til then…

Inspirational Quote of the Night: “Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.” – Epicurus, philosopher


Nightly Reflections – Sunday, February 21st, 2021

Welcome back. I begin writing this on Sunday morning because mine has begun in fun fashion. That is, however, dealing with hands that are in tough shape these days from arthritis and a very sore thumb on my left hand, due in part, I suspect, to the “trigger thumb” issue that’s going on. I don’t know how I avoid surgery on that issue. The clicking is constant and the thumb is impossible not to bend constantly. I tried putting a bandaid on my thumb…tightly. Didn’t matter. I still managed to click it. The interior base of the thumb is very sore. I am putting on everything I have here for some pain alleviation. Ben Gay is my latest attempt. I did that last night. A half hour later, I rubbed my eye and paid the price for a while. Damn, it burned. In any case, the morning had my hands in sore condition. A year or two ago, I bought a hand warmer for my right hand where I had the surgery on the trigger finger. I hadn’t really used it much since but it felt good to hang on to with the new thumb issue. Looks like it will be money well spent after all 🙂

In any case, the happy part of the morning. I decided to finally take some of my older bread and spread peanut butter on two of the slices. When I reached for the peanut butter, I noticed something I hadn’t realized I had done. Never having bought peanut butter in my life, I didn’t think to look at the label closely. I bought chunky peanut butter. Lots of peanut bits in the spread. Hard to spread on the bread, let me tell ya. In any case, you can see by tonight’s pics that I cut them all nice and spread them out on the plate, thinking the squirrels would respect that effort and they’d do their part to keep it that way. HA! It didn’t take long for the first squirrel to sniff out the treat. Watching him circle the plate was humorous. I am sure his instincts were telling him this could be a trap. Finally, he approached the plate, checked out the offerings, and quickly grabbed a piece. However, because I hadn’t apparently cut each piece cleanly, he ended up getting a two-for-one deal 🙂 He ran to the base of the tree with his one piece in his mouth while trailing the second piece alongside. He stopped at the tree and ate. It was too damn cute. Not long after, another squirrel came. This one was far more aggressive about his approach. And he didn’t appreciate the table I had set at all. He traipsed all over the plate, grabbed what he wanted and left the rest for another squirrel to figure out. So much for my attention to detail. 😛 In any case, I stayed a bit longer, shot a couple of quick videos to send to my sister and then returned to the living room where I wanted to quickly write what had happened. Now it’s ten o’clock and The Flintstones are on with the MeTV debut of The Jetsons at 10:30. I’ll return to this piece later this afternoon. 🙂

Well, by one o’clock, the plate on which the two pieces of cut-up bread was empty. And again, that made me smile. I know now the squirrels had food today. I shall do it again soon. I simply had opened the screen door and placed it right outside the patio door because there was some pavement there without snow. I wonder if I’m setting myself up for constant visitors coming right up to the window at this rate? I also wonder something else…who knows about squirrel behavior? If one squirrel comes upon something like this morning’s treat or the apple slices when I toss them to the tree, is that squirrel capable of communicating somehow to other squirrels that there is food out there? Is that an insane question? Am I losing my mind? I’d like to think they have a line of communication, somehow. I can’t believe one squirrel ate all that bread or scoops up all those slices of apple each and every time. I think it’s are real fraternity/sorority of squirrels going on in my backyard. I can be happy with that thought 🙂

At one point this afternoon, while watching the Decades weekend marathon of Cagney and Lacey, I pulled out my carrots and radishes and cut them up and slipped them into the container. I also had bought a stalk of celery, but apparently the little plastic bag sealer had come loose at some point, or I didn’t see that there never was one, because the celery couldn’t have been more limp and unappealing, so that just got tossed. However, now, I have carrots and radishes to munch on this week as well as if I want to make a salad. I also have cucumbers but I didn’t see the point in cutting them up yet. As for my TV viewing, once again, I have been drawn into another marathon weekend of an 80s cop show. These two women had a chemistry that was second to none. I enjoyed the show for the seven seasons it ran, but I sure enjoyed watching them today as well. Next week’s marathon is the Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts. Thinking I probably will peek in from time to time to see who is being roasted, but won’t watch like I have these past three weekends, including The Mod Squad and Hawaii Five-0.

Update from last night’s movie…The Little Things. It was dark, intense and at times quite creepy. The story was weak. But Washington, Leto and Malek gave better than average performances for a script that was weak. It kept my interest and I have no regrets watching it. Next up on HBO MAX is Judas and the Black Messiah. I have until early March before they pull that one from streaming. This coming weekend they premiere The Tom And Jerry Movie, taking computer animation and blend it with live action. It’s another Warner Bros. movie that is in theaters and HBO MAX when first released. It will only be available, as the others have been and the others that are coming, for a month. Still prefer the theater, but I’m waiting for a movie that I believe it going to be a homerun and worthy of the big screen. I believe they are coming soon.

When I tired of the TV today, worked a bit on a writing project that’s in its early stages. I’ll share more with you when it’s in full bloom. I also did some reading. I threw a load of laundry into the washer. I did whatever I could to pass the hours. I can not wait for the weather to turn nice again so I can sit outside and get fresh air every day without hopping into my car. I think I miss my patio more this year than I’ve ever missed it since having it. As I sat around today, I thought about Wednesday and that made me excited. A 3-hour excursion to Morris, an area of this state I have NEVER been. When I was looking for a job back in the spring and summer of 1982, the first place I heard from was Wilmar. Only really knowing that the Twin Cities existed in this state, I had to look up where Wilmar was. I noticed it again this week when I checked out Morris. I saw it’s not much further. I was told by people aware of Minnesota that Wilmar was way out in the boonies and that I shouldn’t even bother because I was likely to find something closer. They were right. I have always been grateful for the advice! lol In any case, each passing day raises my anticipation level for that first shot at 11:40 come Wednesday morning. So very pumped.

Dinner tonight is last night’s leftovers. That steak was over a pound last night and there was NO way I was eating that much. I also had a huge baked potato of which half sits in the fridge with the steak. I’ll add veggies to the blend tonight for dinner, but it will be simple to heat. Then it’s all about Batwoman, The Equalizer, and the final episode of the season for All Creatures Great and Small. I shall miss that on Sunday nights.

I hope you had a pleasant Sunday. Tomorrow, ISD 196 kids return to the classroom along with the staff. Seniors will wait two more weeks. Lots of excitement and stress over this. It’s simply a miserable situation for everyone and there’s no answer that will please everyone. Probably not even half of the people. I hope everyone understands the situation everyone finds themselves in and tries to be a team player rather than a “ME” player. Nothing can be achieved if people are only looking out for their own needs. I know I’m glad not to be in the situation. It just sucks for everyone on one level or another. Hang in there. Better times are coming for us all.

Inspirational Quote of the Night: “The smell of good bread breaking, like the sound of lightly flowing water, is indescribable in its evocation of innocence and delight.” – M.F.K. Fisher, Food writer


Nightly Reflections – Saturday, February 20th, 2021

I am starting this tonight at 4:50 and the amount of daylight I’m seeing outside my living room window is good for the soul. Are you aware that three weeks from tonight, we will be springing ahead with our clocks once again? Three weeks. Temps are warming up. More daylight. Vaccinations are happening. Keep up the good work folks. Mask up and distance. Numbers are going down and with spring not that far away, we could all be outside on our decks and patios before you can say SPRING! (how’s that for optimism at its best!)

Happy Saturday. The weekend is already half over. But what a nice first half it was. Nicer temps and lots of sunshine. Not bad for mid-February. How did you spend yours?

Today was cleaning day once again. My cleaner was here by 9:15. It’s always a nice time when she arrives. We chat throughout the cleaning. Today, I showed her my new little toy that sits around my neck and lights up for reading at night in a darker room or maybe even in bed. She loved it and is ordering one for herself. I should get commission, but I won’t push it. 😛

While she was cleaning, I cut up another apple and tossed it out to the base of the tree. In an hour, all the pieces were once again gone. And I smiled.

She was gone before noon. And I sat and vegetated for a bit before realizing I could NOT sit in the house all freakin’ day. I had to get out, if only to take a drive. I began to consider destinations. I landed on Northfield and the Applebees on the other end of Northfield. I had a couple of gift cards and thought it was time for my Oriental Grilled Chicken Salad (tonight’s pic). Applebee’s finally got smart about this menu item. They used to bring it out with STRIPS of chicken on top of the salad. The customer had to always cut the chicken up into bits. I have complained about that for years. Why, I’d ask, doesn’t the chef just cut up the chicken versus only stripping it? Someone must have been listening 😛 Based on the clientele in the restaurant, my guess was most of these people were of vaccine age and had probably already been double dosed. Good for them if that was the case.

The drive to Northfield was accompanied by a phone chat with my sister. It had been awhile and so we chatted about whatever was new in our lives today. On the way back to Apple Valley, I called a friend who is the mother of my horror movie buddy and her older son was in my Honors Nine class. We had a stimulating talk in advance of the return to school Monday. Stimulating. 🙂

I no longer visit my mailbox every day because there’s nor really that much important in there. Today was a bit of a treat, however. Four magazines awaited my opening of the mail door. Sports Illustrated, Entertainment Weekly, Time, and Reader’s Digest. Yay. I love magazine days 🙂 I also received the next promo postcard for the month of March and what Treasure Island is giving away. From what I can tell in the picture, one weekend it will be a hefty looking cutting board with a drawer inside it for pushing the items that have been cut off the board into a handy-dandy little compartment. Another weekend is a container for the kitchen counter filled with utensils used in the kitchen for cooking and such. A shame I just got a new one for Christmas but another potential Christmas item for another friend or family member. Yet another weekend will be measuring cups and spoons. This is something I definitely need. And finally, a voucher for what looks like a ham. So, yup, I suspect I’ll be running down in March to take advantage of the freebies. I’m beginning to wish I had taken advantage of the January items, which all focused on the bedroom.

I’ve been looking forward to dinner tonight. Gonna have to pull out the grill because I want to grill up a steak I bought this week. Toss in a baked potato and figure out a veggie and there ya go. Dinner on a Saturday night! Not bad, eh? Earlier today, when I came back from Northfield, I ran to Apple Valley’s popcorn place by Von Hanson’s. I picked up some “Buttery White” popcorn cuz tonight, after dinner, I figure I’m going to finally watch the Denzel Washington movie on HBO MAX. The Little Things. Eventually tonight, it’s SNL. If I’m being honest, now that life has settled down in Washington, I have less desire to watch SNL. And if I’m going to watch it, I need to watch a live show live. Otherwise, for my way of thinking, what’s the point. I’m ready for the show to be on hiatus for a few weeks, and it’s just about time for them to do just that. Then I can dedicate Saturday nights totally to movies. 🙂

And with that, I’m done here. I hope you had a good day. And that Sunday is as good to you. The weather promises to be just as nice in the temp department, but we could see a little inconsequential snow. EZ PZ. 🙂 Stay warm and safe and we’ll see you Sunday night!

Inspirational Quote of the Night: “What matters most is how well you walk through the fire.” – Charles Bukowski, poet


Nightly Reflections – Friday, February 19th, 2021

Good Evening. Happy Weekend…again. 🙂 And this weekend is going to be a whole lot nicer than the previous two weekends. Brrrrr then, but now…not so much 🙂 And so begins the weekend!

I will share some good news with you that occurred around the time I was posting last night’s blog. A couple of nights ago I told you that the leadership with this virus and the vaccine in this state should be under fire. People just don’t know what to do. I also told you that there are people I know who have been vaccinated. I said it was more about being in the right place at the right time than anything else. Everyone is hanging out on Walgreens and Walmart and Thrifty White and MN Vaccine website and the list goes on. We’ve all registered with so many places that when this is all said and done, we are likely to be bombarded with so much junk mail cuz so many people have our email addresses now! In any case, however, I happened to be in the right place at the right time yesterday afternoon/evening. I refreshed the Thrifty White website and suddenly there were 96 appointments in North Dakota. Ninety-six! That meant one thing to me…right or wrong. Thrify was dumping all their appointments precisely at that time and if they were doing it for ND, they’d likely be doing it for us. So, I immediately jumped over to the Facebook page “MinneapolisVaccine Hunters.” I quickly messaged all the followers on the page, of which I am one, and told them what I just told you. Then I jumped back to the Thrifty White page and refreshed. The ND postings were down to 60-something. However, there were 60-some postings for Minnesota. I reacted like a madman, moving forward and clicking all the appropriate buttons. When I hit the appointments button, a whole bunch of dates came up. I picked one just to pick one…next Wednesday. Then a whole bunch of times popped up. Knowing it’s about a three-hour drive, I wanted to be sensible about the time I’d pick for my shot. So I chose 11:40. That means, if I’m on the road by 8 Wednesday morning, I’ll be there for my appointment and then I was automatically booked for my second one exactly one month later. I’ll receive the Moderna vaccine on those days. I couldn’t type quickly enough when I was doing that. All I could imagine was I’d get everything filled out and the spot would be taken. I mistyped several times, swore, and you get the picture. If it had been a scene in a movie in front of a theater full of patrons, it would have prompted much laughter. But, when the last button was pushed, I received a notification that my appointments were solidified. And I gotta tell ya, the feeling that overwhelmed me was incredible. I could have cried. No more sitting by the computer, going from one site to the next. No more being frustrated trying to figure out if I was doing everything I could. I was simply lucky to be on my computer when I was, refreshing Thrifty White as they were just posting all their appointments. A friend of mine said I’ll probably get an email tomorrow from my medical clinic setting me up for an appointment. Morris is three hours away. I don’t care. I just hope it’s a decent winter driving day. I can handle the drive, God only knows. I’ll turn it into a celebratory trip, picking up lunch somewhere along the way. I shot a pic of my appointments page I was sent so I could share it with my siblings and friends. I am not using it here tonight because people are frustrated. I know I was frustrated with each and every posting that said “I’ve got an appointment!” or “I got my first does!” Of course I’m thrilled for everyone who gets any progress on being vaccinated. It was just frustrating for me and for many others because we were still swimming in a pool of darkness. So, I had to share it here since I’ve been writing about it and I’ll talk more about it next week when it is about to happen and after it happened. Beyond that, we move on to the next topic. 🙂

Last night in my “It’s Anybody’s Guess” post, I shared with you the world I lived in with panic attacks. I mentioned a friend who recommended a book that changed my world. Another friend, after reading that post, messaged me, asking me the title. I couldn’t remember it off the top of my head, but I knew I’d know it if I heard it or so the book cover. She mentioned she had read one when she was younger and in need of assistance. When she mentioned the title, I was almost certain that was it, but when I saw the cover as I googled it, sure enough. That WAS it. So, that’s tonight’s pic. Just thought I’d update for you. Apparently, the book is still accessible. It looks like the title may have changed over the years, but a little research would help solidify that assumption. Just an FYI for yas all 🙂

What a nice day, eh? Sunshine galore. Warmer temps. And I had nothing too pressing to accomplish except get the house ready for the cleaning person tomorrow. I moved all the soda I had in the garage into the house during the cold spell. I just put them on the dining room table. Now, with the temps improving and the threat of exploding cans in my garage, I can return all the cartons of soda back out there. Which I did today. Along with other maintenance chores I had to do so she could clean without too much clutter in her way!

I should tell you a little bit about yesterday, beyond the vaccination story. I ran down to Treasure Island for a bit to pick up my third cast iron kitchen item. One more this coming week and then that offer is over. It was funny. I got down there before the room opened, and I played some video poker for a bit. When I went back to pick up my freebie, they said I could take the item or have a free $20 put onto my card for gambling purposes. Ha. No thank you. I’ll take the item. The $20 could have disappeared in several minutes. I took the sure winner. Once I have all four items, you’ll see a pic of them, and I’ll have to decide if they go to someone this Christmas as their present 🙂 Ho Ho Ho. By the way, I left with an additional $50 in my pocket too. The winning continues 🙂

I thought WandaVision was only six episodes long. Now I see it’s at least seven because the seventh was added today. On Hulu, they added a movie that’s getting all sorts of attention these days. Nomadland. Starring Frances McDormand. You may remember her from Fargo or Three Billboards Outside Ebbing. I look forward to seeing this film. Just not sure when that will happen. I continue to be overwhelmed by the choices. Network TV was never like this!

My day entailed milk, the book store, and a tea from Starbucks. And cleaning before the cleaner does it more seriously 🙂 lol I ain’t gots no more. It’s time for you to enjoy your Friday night and Saturday. Come on back here and we’ll chat before SNL Saturday night 🙂 My friend and her husband just notified me that they were watching the Thrifty White Pharmacy website and got two appointments for themselves in Montevideo. This is a site to watch if you’re in a hurry for your vaccine and you’re over 65. *The vaccines must have arrived and people are scooping them up quickly. Over 2300 appointments available at one point this morning. Lots of people will be happy with all these choices now. Yay! Just another FYI for you.

Inspirational Quote of the Night: “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein, physicist


“It’s Anybody’s Guess” – Thursday, February 18th, 2021

Tonight, I thought I’d share with you in greater detail a phase of my life that happened sometime around 1989, ’90. I moved here in the summer of 1982 and began teaching at RHS that fall. I moved to Eagan cuz I had no idea where else to live. lol Minnesota was a total stranger to me. So, I was winging it.

Then, after one year in Eagan, another teacher was losing his roommate and we decided to move in together cuz two live cheaper than one. We rented a townhome that was basically located on Cedar Avenue. We could sit on our deck and watch the traffic. You can see these townhomes still as you drive on Cedar, just before crossing 140th. So began year 2.

About six years or so later, I found myself in trouble. I didn’t know at the time what was happening, but it was impacting my daily life, the classroom, my sleep…you name it. I can remember standing in front of my students, trying to teach, but I’d begin to lose my breath and as I looked at the class, I started losing the outer edge of the room and before I knew it, my focus was basically black except for the one student I was talking or listening to. This was NOT something I had ever experienced before. But it really sucked. It was coming into its own in late January.

I didn’t share what was happening with anyone right away. I couldn’t talk with my mother because she had died in 1985. I was internalizing the experience. I was a huge hypochondriac in those days. Running to the doctor was something I didn’t do because I didn’t want to hear bad news. And I always knew there’d be bad news. 😛

When I’d be home, I’d sit in the living room, pondering what it was I was going through. But I was growing ever so depressed and scared. I was convinced I had a brain tumor. One night, I was waiting to be picked up by a set of parents with whom I was friends because we were going to a movie. I thought anything to get my mind off what I was going through. As I waited for them, I was in the living room and the world was growing darker and less hopeful. I was seeing myself in a casket and people coming to pay their respects. The doorbell rang and I tried to shake it off, but I went to the door quite flustered. I remember this sensation that was really freaking me out. At the center of my scalp, from within, it felt at times like some little creature was pulling down on my scalp. Almost as if there was a heartbeat to be had. It was bizarre.

Well, I mentioned that sensation one day to the secretary who was in charge of making sure we all had copies of materials throughout the day. She also typed for us if need be. When I told her what I was going through (we had become friends), she laughed and told me she had gone through the same stuff. She said, “You’re having panic attacks.” What the hell was a panic attack?! She bought me a book that helped her cope with the experience. So, I read it. And before I was done with the first two pages, I was feeling better already. Sure enough. It spoke to everything I was going through. She told me I needed to go see my doctor because there were meds for such a thing.

Well, that’s what I did. Now, thank God I had a doctor with whom I had a very comfortable relationship. He was fantastic. He couldn’t have been a more casual guy. He wore tennis shoes. When he’d come into the room where I was waiting, we’d shoot the breeze for a while, and I often brought him books I had read because he was a reader and we had similar reading tastes. It was going to be easy to talk to him about all this.

He told me what I was going through, but I was still hell bent for leather that it was a brain tumor. So, he sent me to a neurologist for peace of mind. He already knew what the results would be. And nothing came from it. Then he sent me to another doctor in the place for self-hypnosis. I was told to close my eyes and imagine myself in the one place in my world where I was the most relaxed. I was to do this when I felt an attack coming on. My place was old County Stadium in Milwaukee, tailgating with my peeps, in the summer sun. It was where I was most at ease. Doc also prescribed anti-depressants, explaining to me the cons of such a pill, but he wasn’t overly concerned for me.

After explaining to me how an anti-depressant works and that there are all ranges of them, we landed on one. By now, it was spring break time and I was about to head back to Wisconsin for the week. Well, head back I did. I was taking the pill as directed. By the third day, I was constipated. It had to be the pill, and so I stopped it. When I returned to Apple Valley, I made another appointment to see the man with the medicine. I told him what had happened and that I couldn’t take that pill any more. He wanted to me to wait on the next pill before prescribing it. He wanted to see how I could do without it. Not sure what he was seeing in me or why he thought I’d be fine. Silly man. However, I asked him, “When will I know when it’s time to return to ask for something else?” In his normal casual manner, he said, “If you come in on your hands and knees, screaming you need drugs, I’ll know.” Funny man.

Funny man indeed. I ended up calling him on a Thursday night. I was sort of beside myself with worry. He prescribed Xanax. He told me to take a half of the pill. I recognized the name of the pill because one of my students had been on it for a while. So, I ran to the clinic, picked up the little brown bag waiting for me, and home I went. When I pulled out the bottle and pulled off the top, I was shocked at how small the pill was and then I was supposed to break it in half? Ok. I couldn’t see how this little item was going to make me feel better, but I’ll give it a try. I remember this vividly. I cut it in half, popped it with some water, and went to sit in the lazy boy chair. About an hour later, I attempted to get out of the chair and WOW. I was extremely relaxed. I had no desire suddenly to get out of that chair. It was great!

I never looked back. I had to lead a pep fest during this time, long before the pill I was prescribed. That was one of my scarier pep fests to conduct. I got through it, but I often wonder how. I knew that the Xanax could become addicting, and I knew I had an addictive personality, so I was quite focused on not overusing the drug. I maybe used it for a few months, only when I felt I needed it, and then I was done with it. I never again had those intense experiences I had when it was just new.

There are times now when I begin to feel an attack coming on if I’ve had the mask on too long. It’s happened before at the grocery store, more than any place. I find myself just wanting to get out of there and take that mask off. It gets to where I feel like I can’t breathe, even though I know it’s in my head. Beyond that, panic attacks are a thing in my past, and for that, I am grateful.

There ya go. Now you know yet a little more about me. If you’ve had these, you know all too well what I’m talking about. If you haven’t, trust me. It’s not fun. You sort of feel like you’re losing your mind. I think I still have a few years before that actually happens 🙂 See you Friday night!

Inspirational Quote of the Night: “Accept what life offers you and try to drink from every cup. All wines should be tasted; some should be sipped, but with others, drink the whole bottle.” – Paulo Coelho, author
