Nightly Reflections – Tuesday, October 27th, 2020

SUNSHINE!!! Yay!!! We had sunshine today! Flippin’ awesome! So nice to see when it rose high into the sky. Still a chilly day, but those temps are going to climb, just like the sun did today 🙂 Fifties by the weekend. That will be nice. Almost wish I hadn’t taken the chairs off the patio, but then again, how much would I really have sat outside in 50-degree weather? Not much, likely.

In any case, it was a good day for the visual. Does so much good for a person’s motivation and mood. At one point, after my morning routine, I showered and headed out to drop off a bill at the P.O. and then to run through Starbucks to pick up a chai tea latte and then to simply take a spin for a bit. I actually drove west on 42 until the intersection where casino goers turn left to head to Mystic, while others turn right to head to Hy 13 and Shakopee. I made the right hand turn. I had no desire to visit Mystic. All I wanted was to drive for a bit. I also called my brother-in-law after getting my latte and checked in on how he was feeling. He said the worse was his ribs. He didn’t break or crack any ribs, but he said they’re sore. And, he’s been dealing with a bit of a cold and allergies, so when he coughs, it hurts. I think many of us know that sensation. Otherwise, the moment he heard my voice, he began to chuckle. I asked him why he was laughing. He said, “Well, I know you know what happened…” and then yes, it was clear to me. He was ready for me to razz him on his dinger. I did say that the picture of his face from yesterday that my sister sent me was probably going to be the source of enjoyment at Christmas this year. And we both laughed. So, good news from home. He’s ok. Thursday he goes back in to an individual who will look at his hand and see how the swelling is progressing. They need more information on the hand, but couldn’t do a lot because it was so swollen yesterday. He said he was going in for his haircut today or tomorrow. I know the lady who cuts his hair. She’s a kooky lady, in the good sense. He was looking forward to her reaction upon seeing him. I’m pretty sure she will be seeing it without even knowing he fell. I’d like to be a fly on the wall. I’m sure there’ll be more laughter and that will kill his ribs. We’re all about laughter in Beaver Dam 🙂

In any case, I continued my return back to Apple Valley via Hy 13 and then Cliff and finally, Pilot Knob. It was such a nice day to simply drive. When I got home, I made myself a ham and lettuce sandwich with some chips and watched my Mary Tyler Moore Shows before beginning a little excursion into a cupboard that’s been pretty much ignored for a long time. And that leads me to tonight’s pic.

Guys like their electronic toys. I am no different. I’ve always gotten into nifty electronic devices. One of my favorites was a weather radio I used to use at school. When winter came, I had it in my drawer and if a storm was brewing, I’d be listening closely on my prep period. I had to be able to live up to my forecasting role for both the students and my peers! Well, I had totally forgotten about this little gem of an item that appears tonight in the pic slot. A little Sony TV. Oh, the hours of usage I got out of this. Four AA batteries. UHF or VHF channels. I used it for all sorts of reasons. Its usefulness died when cell phones came into existence and streaming became the thing to do. But how I loved my little TV. If I remember correctly, I think I paid just under $100 for it. I threw four batteries in it to see if it still worked, and it did, but VHF and UHF don’t exist any more, so all I got was static. However, it’s not something I’ll be parting with any time soon. Just because seeing it brought back good feelings. I found more stuff but I decided to share that slowly here with pics. In that cupboard, I always kept the little folder of material I received the morning I adopted Willy. Obviously didn’t need to see that right away, but it’s also a folder I won’t be able to part with any time soon either. I just won’t.

I had to laugh this morning. I’ve told you before about my numbers rising and dropping, randomly, regarding people viewing my wordpress blog page. And I’ve told you how there are times I just don’t get why the numbers change drastically. Sometimes, if the picture is alluring, I get people being curious to click on it to see what it’s all about. But there are times when the picture couldn’t have had anything to do with the viewership. Last night was one of those nights. My numbers were up from last night’s post. Three times as much. Now, my picture last night was my spaghetti ad lib reaction to outdated noodles. I hardly think that picture distracted anyone enough to have them clicking on my blog. Granted, the news of my brother-in-law’s fall mattered to people back home, but there’s no way they would know I was writing about that unless they clicked on it to see what it was I DID write about last night. I just don’t know why, again, the numbers went up but it made me both smile and giggle this morning when I first checked in to my blog site. Oh well. We’ll see if the mini-TV has the same effect 🙂

I worked in the first installment of HBO’S The Undoing with Nicole Kidman and Hugh Grant. I suspect it’s going to be an 8-10 episode limited series. It’s a murder mystery. And, once again, I say no one does it as consistently as HBO. This first episode was enough to keep anyone watching from week to week. It’s why I will part with HBO only after I’ve parted with every other streaming service. It never seems to have a MISS. They are HITS almost each and every time. Then, tonight, Game Six of the World Series! I hope it goes to Game 7 and then I hope the Rays win. The Dodgers don’t need the trophy again. Also tonight, The Swamp Thing is on at 7 AND … drum roll … for the first time in so very very long … The Price Is Right (night version) is airing a special show to recognize first responders. I’ve seen quick previews on CBS. Drew Carey has a very bushy beard. “I wish I could hug you but…” is something he’s caught saying in the commercial. They haven’t been able to film this daily show simply because of the studio audience nature of the show. Same reason Stephen Colbert is still broadcasting in his home. Yet, SNL came up with a plan to battle that. So, who knows. Maybe it will change soon. Though, with the virus forecast, maybe not. In any case, it will be fun to see this tonight. And I think there’s another one next week at night. Fun!

So, that’s where we’re at on this Tuesday. Tomorrow, no plans til night time. Then, I made another therapy appointment. The post will likely go in early cuz my appointment is at 6 and when I get home around 7:30, I will deal with eating and then watching the 2-hour Big Brother finale. So, I want the post done before I leave. Easy enough.

With that said, I’m heading outta here. Glad to hear that the Irish won their second game of the season. It’s sounding very likely that online education is going to be the direction for the district any day. Apparently more positive cases cropping up daily. I guess it makes sense with numbers jumping up all over the country. Is anyone really surprised?


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