Nightly Reflections – Wednesday, June 22nd, 2022

Good evening, one and all. a warm day but not insanely so. I’d like to think of these days going forward as a warm summer day versus a stupidly warm summer day. 😛

Well, my yearly eye exam is behind me. An hour with the folks over there in Apple Valley. My eye doctor is a nice guy. I miss Doctor Bob and then, once he left, I had a female eye doctor and we got along so well, but she left to open her own practice in St. Paul. So, now I have this third doc. He remembered little facts from a year ago when we met. That always impresses me. As always, the first thing is they come get you and take you into a little room where they run three tests. The first, a burst of air for glaucoma purposes. No sign at all I am heading into that danger zone. Yay! Second, the peripheral vision test. First one eye, then the other. No problem there. Yay! Finally, not sure what this one tests, but I think it’s more about taking pictures while I look into this hole and see a little red farm in the distance on a field of green. I told her today the family in that farmhouse needs to paint soon. In any case, with those three fun activities done, it was in to the exam room we went!

I believe the individual who was dealing with me was fairly new. She seemed a little skittish. And she said the doctor would be putting in the drops to dilate my eyes. When he came in, he asked me if she had done it, but I had to say no. He said she was lacking a little confidence yet in her role, so… In any case, I had to read the ol’ eye chart for her a few times. She asked me a bunch of questions and then she left, indicating the doc would be in shortly. And he was. Full of enthusiasm, he came in and shook my hand. And after a little socialization, nothing like my doc in Cannon Falls, we got down to business. The end results? Well, for one, he wrote a new prescription so it looks like I’ll be sitting down and checking out new frames for a new pair of glasses. Probably time. Next, in looking in my eyes, he said it looks like I’m lacking the oils in the lids that are needed. I didn’t understand it all, but apparently there needs to be the “perfect” blend of water and oil. So, he prescribed the box entitled “We Love Eyes.” What I have been instructed to do is to, each night, with clean fingers, take a drop of the stuff and rub it in to each eye. It will soak into the lids and the oil issue should repair itself over time. I had told him how my eyes burn something fierce in the morning. Part of it, I told him, is my CPap mask slips at times when I’m sleeping and air escapes and hits the corners of my eyes. He said that’s not a good thing and I need to be very careful that it doesn’t do that if at all possible. It’s easier said than done. Finally, he said that from what he could see, the macular degeneration (I have the dry kind which is better than wet) didn’t seem to be worse than last year. However, he was still having me take one more test before I left and he said, if he saw something to the contrary, he’d call me. Otherwise, not to worry. It’s late enough where I think he would have called if something concerned him, so allow me one more “YAY!” He gave me that sheet of paper with that grid on it. You can read the directions that I’m supposed to do once a month. If I experience #4, I am to call his office immediately. It wouldn’t be a good thing if #4 happens. So, it’s an easy way to monitor the degeneration throughout the year. I felt good when I left his office. Another year of that exam behind me. Soon, I can start getting paranoid about the major exam that they now refer to has the yearly health checkup versus a physical. Apparently when you turn 65, it all changes. I experienced that last year in November for the first time. Weird how these insurance companies approach these things. Oh well.

My writing partner reached out last night, indicating we need to start dealing with a logline for our screenplay as well as a proper way to pitch our movie idea and selling our screenplay. He sent me two links with step-by-step instructions for each. When I looked at them, I smiled as I remembered similar approaches to dealing with my students on teaching a thesis or topic sentences or whatever else I taught them when writing. These two links are quite impressive. Pretty much leaves no stone unturned for questions. Now, a logline is “…simply the script’s core conflict summed up in one or two sentences.” I didn’t know what it was. So, I played around with one today. Then there’s pitching the screenplay. “The key to crafting a great screenplay pitch is to stick to only the most important beats in the story. Approach the screenplay pitch as if you have one minute to tell a friend about your fantastic movie idea. Here are some general do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when learning how to write a film pitch:” That’s all you need to see of that. So, two valuable sites for me to peruse and learn from. Now you know what I mean when I tell you that it’s getting real now. Stay tuned for more updates 🙂 I think I’ll be able to share with you the logline when it’s written. It will heighten your curiosity, I hope. 🙂

Brewers lost last night. Back to a tie for first place with the Cardinals. Game #3 tonight. Game #4 is tomorrow afternoon but I’ll be watching the hearing. As of today, Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness debuted on the Disney+ streaming service, along with a new episode of Ms. Marvel and the final episode of Obi Wan Kenobi. Then there’s the arrival of Sing 2 on Netflix. I want to see that, so I look forward to when that can happen. And there’s more stuff yet this week. Too dang much. Westworld, RISE, Trevor, the Musical, and a couple more I’m forgetting. I have to prioritize, I guess.

I hope you had a great day and that your Thursday is just as great. Tomorrow and Friday back to the 90s. Then rain, perhaps, on Saturday. Would be nice. Everything out there looks sickly. We want that corn-on-the-cob ready for the Fourth, don’t we? 🙂 See ya tomorrow night!


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